Roy Selchepine
Roy Seichepine dedicated 50 years of his life to being a lineman, teacher, trouble man, and trouble manager and has participated in the International Lineman's Rodeo as a competitor and judge since its inception in 1984. Roy started climbing poles at the age of 16 and by 1961 he had become a journeyman lineman, a tremendously proud moment for the first generation high school graduate. Always a "go-getter," when it became obvious that there was a need for a training field where new hires could be taught in a more structured environment, Roy made it happen. This was the beginning of the International Lineman's Rodeo. Roy's career took him from being a lineman and trouble man, to being a manager and instructor helping to educate the next generation of lineman.

Moses Salisbury
Moses Salisbury's tenure as president of W. H. Salisbury & Co., which began in the 1920's. During his career he was responsible for the invention of such important safety equipment as line hose, insulator hoods, and connectors, just to name a few. Moses Salisbury's efforts to develop new safety products and improve on the materials and design of these, and existing devices revitalized the Salisbury Company and improved the safety of lineman then and for the next 80 years.
2007 Hall of Fame

Robert D. Killday
Robert "Rob" D. Killday joined the construction crew of the Missouri Power & Light Company in 1927 and began a family tradition that has lasted four generations of linemen, included 17 Killday men, and contributed 430 combined years of service. By 1939, Rob was working for the Missouri Power and Light's Moberly Division Central Power Highline Crew, considered to be comprised of the company's best linemen who worked primarily with high voltage and the toughest jobs. After 12 years with the crew, Rob transferred to become a line serviceman, to be closer to his family, and was aided by his great people skills in his new position. Rob earned the respect and admiration of his coworkers, his family, and his community through his dedication to service, getting the job done right, and coming to the aid of those who needed it, be that a family with out power, a household who couldn't pay a late bill, a coworker struggling to complete a difficult task, or a family member in need of training, reference, or a job.

Nikola Tesla
Nikola Tesla, an inventor, mechanical engineer, and electrical engineer, was an important contributor to the birth and growth of commercial electricity. Best known for his work in electromagnetism, Tesla's work was also the basis for modern alternate current electric power systems including the polyphase system of distribution and the AC motor. An ethnic Serb, Tesla was born in what is now Croatia. He later became an American citizen. His 1894 demonstration of wireless communication via radio, and his eventual victory in the "War of Currents" led to him becoming one of the greatest electrical engineers to work in America.

Paul Hebert
Since his own accident on the job as a lineman, Paul Herbert has begun giving the presentation, "The Day the Lights Went Out" at union and safety meetings within the industry. Paul's efforts to help educate his brother linemen on the importance of safety, safety training, and being alert to prevent unsafe conditions began with his courage in standing up before others and admitting his own culpability in what happened. Paul is by no means alone in having been injured. His efforts to improve safety and awareness among linemen makes him an important contributor to his field.

Robert "Bob" Stewart
Born in Butte, Montana, Robert "Bob" Stewart began his career at 17 as a groundman in the Butte mile deep copper mines. He worked his way up to lineman and was still working in construction 55 years later. Having been a lineman, foreman, general foreman, and superintendent over the years, Bob has worked tirelessly to help train apprentices and helped to build apprentice training facilities as an unpaid volunteer. Bob has continued to participate in local and international linemen rodeos, freely shares his own personal collection of line and glass collectables, and continues to share his heart for instruction with line apprentices.